Hi Students

How your studies are going now? ? Are you facing any bitter experience while studying? I know you need some support from outside besides class room. All you are doing for your betterment. Now I introduce you a site that provides a lot for your studies. Sorry it is only for commerce students studying in 11 and 12 classes under the syllabus designed by SCERT on the behalf of Directorate of Higher Secondary Education, Kerala, India.

Let I introduce myself. I am a teacher in a leading higher secondary school in Kerala, teaching Business Studies and Accountancy to a group of students who are interested to know more about Commerce and they elect it as a subject for their carrier. I like to widen my area for teaching and it is my dream project.

At the beginning stage of this site it provides only a small assistance to you from the area of second year business studies. But it touches some area from Accountancy also. I hope within a few months it covers all the subject in full and change the style of publishing. What you expect that will provide through this site.

Now our state is going through a new pattern of education which is popularly called as grading system. This is a scientific method for imparting knowledge, but facing some hardness on its infant stage. So students are confused…what to learn and ho w to learn. I think this is a solution.

This site is not perfect now as it is in infant stage. But it will provide a lot of assistance to you.

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                                                                                                       The best teacher


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