Chapter 1


In the modern money using economy FINANCE means the provision of money at the time it is needed. Business needs money to make more money, but it is possible only when money is properly managed. So management of finance is an essential one for the attainment of business goals.

Financial Management:

Financial management is that branch of general management, which involves planning, organising, directing and controlling the financial activities of an organisation. It deals with procurement and effective utilisation of finance by applying the management principles and techniques. It involves

a. estimation of capital requirements

b. determination of sources of finance

c. method of procurement

d. utilisation of finance.

In the words of JOSEPH MASSIE “Financial management is the operational activity of a business that is responsible for obtaining and effectively utilizing the funds necessary for efficient operation”.

Evolution and Scope of Financial Management:

Generally financial management is a branch of general management. It is a separate discipline which is largely depends up on economics for making its theories. It also uses accounting knowledge, rules of mathematics, some parts of system analysis and behavioural science for giving guidance to managers to handle finance. Now this subject is more interested to both academicians and managers for handling finance.  

The scope of financial management can be discussed on the basis of the following two approaches:

a. The Traditional approach:

Under this approach the scope of finance function is very narrow. It is only for the procurement of finance needed for the business. Utilisation of procured finance is not the function of finance under this approach.

b. The modern approach:

Under this approach the scope of finance function is very wide. It is not only for procuring finance but also for the effective utailistion of the procured finance. Raise fund wisely and allocate funds to various uses without waste. So the major decision areas under this approach are investment decision, finance decision and dividend decision.


The objective of financial management can be discuss on the basis of two approaches like

a. Profit maximization approach.

b. Wealth maximization approach.

a. Profit maximization approach.

According to this approach making maximum profit is the objective of financial management. They take all the actions not only to avoid decrease in profit but also to make increase in the profit.  They give importance to maximise the earning per share (EPS). This approach is suitable only for sole proprietor business.

b. Wealth maximization approach.

Under this approach objective of financial management is to maximise the market value of the shares of the firm, i.e., to maximise the wealth of the share holders. This approach is accepted universally as the objective of financial management.

Finance Function

In every business organisation the function of finance is the most important function and all other functions of finance are based on this function. The function of financial management is base on the following decision area:

1. The Investment decision

2. The Finance decision.

3. The Dividend decision.

1. The Investment decision

It is the first and important decision which a business concern must take. It is the decision relating to invest both in fixed and current assets. For investing in fixed assets, should evaluate various investment proposals and select the best which gives maximum to the business. This decision are known as Capital budgeting. Such decisions are important due to the following reasons:

a. Investment in fixed assets cannot be revised  without a loss.

b.   Required a large amount of funds

c.  Important in terms of profitability and future of the firm.

The investment in current assets should be determined on the basis of credit and inventory policies of a business. It ensures profitability and liquidity. This decision is known as Working capital decisions.

2. The Finance decision.

The second major decision related to finance is when where and how to acquire finance to meet the investment needs of the company.  Through this decision, the company decides the proper mix of securities like shares, debentures and loans. Thus this decision helps the company for planning a balanced capital structure.


3. The Dividend decision.

This decision is concerned with the disposal of profits. How much to be retained for growth and expansion and how much to be paid out as dividend to share holders are decided through this decision. Dividend policy of the company helps the management to take good decision in this area.

Importance of Financial management

Every type of organisation financial management is very important and has universal applicability. Its importance can be understood from the following points:

1. Helps in acquiring funds when it required at

    minimum cost.

2. Helps in financial planning.

3. Ensures proper use and distribution of funds.

4. Enables to improve profitability through

    financial control.

5. Helps to take suitable decision of finance.

6. Increase the wealth of the investors and there by

    the wealth of the society and nation.

7. Promote and collect individual and corporate savings.

Financial Planning












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