Chapter: 4


Planning means deciding today what is to be done tomorrow. It is the process of deciding in advance what is to be done, how it is to be done, where it is to be done, when it is to be doneand by whome it is to be done. It is a systematic process of setting goals and identifying the best way and means to achieve those goals.

It is considered as the art of possible and the process of matching the results with opportunities.


"Planning is the process by which a manager looks to the future and discover alternative course of action opened to him".
                                                                   - Joseph Massie

"Planning is fundamentally a mental pre-deposition to do things in an orderly way, to think before acting and to  act in the light of the facts rather than of gusses"
                                                                 -L.F. Urwick


Following are the various features of planning:

1. Goal Oriented:
Every organisation has certain goals. Planning contributes to the attainment of business goals.It makes objectives tangible and concrete and determines the way to achieve it. If planning does not related to the objectives it will be an empty mental exercise.

2. Primacy of planning:
The word 'Primacy' means 'state of being first'. Planning is the first among all other management functions, which sets the objectives of the business. All other management functions are designed on the basis of objectives set under planning. So if any change is made in the objectives will affect the structure of other functions.

3. Pervasiveness:
Plannis is the basic function of every managers from top to bottom. It is essential and spread throughout the entire area of operation in an organisation in an organisation. No part of the organisation should be excluded from the purview of  planning, but its ange may differ at different levels.

4. Flexibility:
Planning is future oriented activity, but future is uncertain.Some times actual situation may difer from planned situation. So plans are to be changed to accept the changes in the future environment. So it is a flexible one.

5. Continuous process:
Generally plans are prepared for a specific peroid of time. At the end of that period new plans are prepared for new needs. Similarly as the environmental condition changes, existing plans have to be revised. So planning is a never ending process and hence it is a continuous one.

6. Forward looking:
Planning means thinking and deciding today for tomarrow to achieve certain objectives. The purpose of planning is to handle the future events effectively. Thus planning is forward looking, i.e, looking ahead and preparing for the future.

7. Planning involves choice:
Planning is a decision-making process. It involves thinking for alternatives (various ways to achive the objectives) and select only one among them which is best suitable to the concern. The need for planning arises only when alternatives are available. If there is only one way for doing something, there is no need for planning. So planning involves choice from among various alternatives.


Following are the importance of planning:

1. Focusing attention on objectives:
Planning makes objectives clear and specific and directed towards its attainment. Clearly stated objectives helps for selecting the best course of action or what action should be taken.

2. Planning reduces uncertainty:
Planning is necessary because of future uncertainty and change. It reduces the risk of uncertainty and change. It enables the concern to predict future events and prepare to face the unexpected events.It identifies possible changes or optential dangers and helps to take steps to overcome such changes or dangers.  Thus planning is helpful in assessing and meeting future challenge.

3. Facliltates control:
Planning provides a standard, against which the actual performance can be evaluated. Without planning there is no control, because comparison of actual performance to planned performance is the basis of control. Thus planning makes control meaningful and so we considered it as the basis of control.

4. Helps in effective coordination:
Planning gives direction to managers and non-managers what to do, when, where and how. This helps them to understand their role and they work cooperatively with each other as a team.Moreover it also helps to coordinate their activities. Thus planning brings overall coordination in an organisation.

5.Guides decision making:
Planning helps in decision making by selecting the best alternatives among various alternatives.By predicting future, planning helps in future oriented decisions.

6. Encourages innovation and creativity: 
Planning encourages the employees to think and find the better  and different methods and procedures to achive the desired objectives. Such a thinking helps to develop new ideas and aply these ideas to create new products and services, which leads to the growth and expansion of a business.



Plans are of several types like Goals, Objectives, Ploicies, Procedures,Rules, Methods, Programmes and Budgets.This can be arranged in a hierarchy because a higher level plans gives/generates lower level plan as presented:

1.Goal or Purpose or Mission:

Goal is a desired state of affairs, which an organisation wants to realise. Goals are collective ends towards which organisations directs their energies and activities. An enterprise achieve the goals by fulfilling various objectives. They are long term in nature.

2. Objectives:
Objectives are the ends towards which activities are aimed and the results to be achieved.They are the result to be achieved with in a limited time.  Goals are the basic plans of the business,but department have also its own objectives.They are related to a specific topic which can be measured and stated in quantitative terms.

3. Policies:
Policies are general statements which provides guidelines to managers for taking various decisions. They only provide a framework within which decisions must be made by the management in different spheres.It does not provide a detailed answer to a situation but guides the subordinates.They deals with"how to do" but not state the terms to subordinates.

4. Procedures:
Procedures are derived form policies.Procedures are the steps established to handle future activities. They are detailed guidelines based on policies used for doing the work for the attainment of objectives. They are the orderly and systematic way of doing a particular job.

5. Rules:
Rules are detailed and recorded instructions tghat a specific action must or must not be taken in a given situation. They are the decisions made by the management. It contains specific regulations that must be followed by the employees in an organisation without considering the time sequence.They facilitate discipline and uniformity in action in the organisation.
Office opens at 8.00Am, No smoking, etc.

6. Methods:
Methods are formalised and standardised way of doing a repetitive and routine jobs.They are designed for doing the activities as per planned and desired way, to prevent confusion and ad-hocism and ensure economy and efficiency. Methods makes a work simple, standard and systematic and act as a uniform norms to guide and control operations and performance.

7. Programmes:
Programmes includes all the actions necessary for achieving a given objective.They are a combination of goals, policies, procedures, rules, task assigned, steps to be taken, resources to be employed and other elements necessary to carry out a given course of action. They are ordinarily supported by budgets.

8. Budget:
A budget ia a statement of expected results expressed in numerical terms. It is also known as "Numbered Programme". They are the anticipated operating results over some  period of time, normally one year and stated as a basis for measuring performance. Abudgety may be expressed either in financial terma or in quantitative terms or in both. It is a major tool of control in the hands of management.


Following are the various steps involved in planning:
        1. Setting objectives
        2. Develop planning premises
        3. Determine alternative course of action
        4. Selecting the best alternative
        5. Formulating derivative plans
        6. Implementation of plans
        7. Follow up

1. Setting objectives:
Plans are prepared to achieve certain objectives. Therefore the first step in planning is defining clearly the objectives of the organisation as a whole and of each departments. The objectives provide guidelines for many vital decisions and help to solve the problems that arise in future.

2. Develop planning premises:
The 2nd step in the process of planning is to develop planning premises. They are the assumptions about the future up on which planning is formulated. They are the anticipated environment based on forecasting in which plans are expected to operate. They are important for the success of planning because they supply facts and informations about the future.
Example: Population trends, General economic conditions, Government control etc.

3. Determine alternative course of action:
The 3rd step in the planning process is to determine the various cources of action. They are the different ways which can be used for the goal attainment.

4. Selecting the best alternative:
After determine the alternative cources of action, the next step is to evaluate each alternatives in terms of expected cost and benefits. After evaluating, select the best course of action, which will give more advantages to the business.

5. Formulating derivative plans:
Once the main plan is laid down the next step is to develop various detailed plans to support the main plan for its implementation. This detailed plans are known as derivative plans or supporting plans. In other words , the breakup of master plan on departmental wise and sectional wise to support the main plan is called  derivative plans.

6. Implementation of plans:
The 6th step in the planning process is the implementation of plans. This means putting the plans into action so as to achieve the business objectives. Successful implementation of plans require wholehearted cooperation and understanding of personnel. For this purpose, plans must be communicated and explained in detaile to the workers.

7. Follow up:
In order to fix that plans are proceeding in correct way it is necessary to evaluate the plan in each and every stages of implementation. This helps in detecting shortcommings and take remedial measures well in advance.


Following are the limitations of  planning:

        1. Lack of accuracy
        2. Time and Costs
        3. Resistance to change
        4. False sense of security
        5. Inflexibility
        6. Limited scope

1. Lack of accuracy:
Planning is for future,but future is uncertain. The forecasted information and facts may or may not be  correct. No manager can predict accurately and completely the events of future. So planning lacks accuracy.

2. Time and Costs:
Planning is time consuming and expensive process. It involves a lot of expenses for forecasting, collection of information, evaluation of alternatives etc and required considerable time.  It is not practicable when situation demands quick decisions. 

3. Resistance to change:
Most people enerally do not like changes. They resist change due to fear of failure and uncertainty. Unless the required changes are made, planning may be ineffective.

4. False sense of security:
Planning may create a feeling that everything has been taken care of by the plans and helps to achieve the business goals automatically. It affects independent thinking and creativity of managers.

5. Inflexibility:
Planning makes entire organisational set up rigid and inflexible. Managers and non-managers have to strictly follow the plans and there is no freedom. It restricts the individual skill, initiative and creativity.

6. Limited scope:
The scope of planning is said to be limited due to certain factors like changes in technology, changes in Government policies, competitors actions, strike etc.Over which management has no control, which affects the planning process.





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