Tally is an accounting package / software developed by Tally Solution Private Ltd Bangalore. It is a MS DOS and WINDOWS based package used for multy accounting purpose. The main features of Tally software are:

1.    It is a codeless accounting system.

2.    It maintains all types of books of accounts.

3.    It provides 28 pre-defined groups.

4.    It maintains the accounts of multiple companies.

5.    Inter firm comparison is possible.

6.    It provides cost center wise accounting.

Structure of Tally

Tally screen has 3 areas. They are Title Area, Work Area, Calculator and Button Pannel. Following figure gives a clear idea about the division of Tally Tally:

1. Title Area

This section gives the information of the product such as name, Version Number, Relece Number, Developer’s name, Company logo, Tally serial number, System time and date.

2. Work Area

It is just below the Title bar and is the largest area.  It is divided in to two parts. On the right hand side it displays pop up menu having various functions. On the left hand side it displays the current period, current date, list of selected companies etc.

3. Calculator / ODBC Server

It is the bottom area. It is used to perform calculations, i.e, Arithmetic functions and ODBC (Open Data Base Connectivity ) Server  Functionality. With this facility, you can create any report in database like MS WORD, EXCEL etc. with live data from Tally. <Ctrl> + <N>, key combination is used to activate this area. <Ctrl> + <M> is used to activate work area. A green bar highlites the active area.

4. Button Pannel

It is a small vertical screen area shown on the right hand side. This area consists of various buttons that provide quick interaction with Tally. It may differ from location to location.

Startup Tally

If Tally icon is displayed on the desktop, double click it or go through

Start  p   Programme p Tally

Quitting Tally

1.To quit Tally close all the screens by pressing Escape (Esc) Key. On repeated pressing of < Esc >, Tally prompts “ Quit?  Yes or No”. Then press ‘Y’ or < Enter > to quit.

2. Another way to quit is to select ‘Quit’ from Gate way of Tally and press < Enter >

3.Another way is press  < Ctrl > + < Q >, exit the programme without conformation.

Pre - defined Groups

Manual accounting is done only after all transactions are posted, balances extracted and trial balance is prepared. But computerized accounting system is designed to give any type of reports and statements at any time. So a complete hierarchy of account groups and ledgers are fixed at the beginning. However, you can make re-arrangement of groups with some restrictions at some place.


The software Tally will automatically create certain groups. It also permits you to re-group the accounts according to your requirements.


Default Accounting Groups

Tally provides 28 pre-defined groups. They are called Reserve Account Groups. These groups are created with the objective of generating reports in a well defined manner. Out of these 28 groups 15 are Primary groups and 13 are Sub-groups. A sub-group is a part of primary group. The pre-defined grouping is done on the basis of Assets, Liabilities, Income and Expenditure.

The hierarchical structure of the pre-defined accounting groups are as follows:


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